advocacy & policy engagement

Coordination of Maryland Department of Health’s PRIDE Steering Committee: BSH serves as the coordinator for the Maryland Department of Health's PRIDE Steering Committee, working collaboratively with stakeholders to develop and implement strategies that address the health needs and disparities faced by TLGBQIA+ individuals in Maryland. 

Community Mobilization: BSH actively engages with the TLGBQIA+ community, organizing grassroots initiatives, community forums, and town hall meetings to foster dialogue, raise awareness, and mobilize community members around key issues affecting their rights and well-being. 

Legislative Advocacy: BSH advocates for inclusive policies and legislation at the local, state, and national levels that protect the rights and dignity of TLGBQIA+ individuals. This includes partnering with other organizations, participating in public hearings, and engaging with policymakers to promote positive change. 

Coalition Building: BSH collaborates with other organizations, community groups, and advocacy coalitions to amplify collective voices, leverage resources, and advocate for the interests of the TLGBQIA+ community in a unified manner. 

Public Education & Awareness: BSH conducts public education campaigns, workshops, and training to increase awareness and understanding of TLGBQIA+ issues, combat stigma, and promote inclusivity in the wider community. 

Policy Recommendations & Reports: BSH develops policy recommendations and reports based on community needs and experiences, providing evidence-based insights and guidance to policymakers, government agencies, and stakeholders to inform more inclusive and equitable policies. 

Media & Public Relations: BSH utilizes media platforms and public relations strategies to raise visibility, share stories, and promote understanding of TLGBQIA+ issues, advocating for larger representation and challenging negative stereotypes.